Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A few musings on 2010

Looking back in 2011 this list will probably read closer to a David Letterman Top 10 but here are a few thoughts on things that could happen in 2010.
  1. Microsoft buys MSFT needs to get into the SaaS world in a better/bigger way and SFDC would be an instant, game changing move
  2. Walmart does not buy Amazon again.
  3. Google buys eBay to boost its mobile strategy and m-commerce
  4. Leadership development in corporations becomes a hot topic to retain and reward people who have survived.
  5. Twitter will have to change its business model or die. Big danger in it just becoming a spam platform.
  6. In the theme of #5, new technologies will emerge to help marketers calculate an ROI for different SM platforms. Those that can't prove it will become irrelevant.
  7. The economy will slowly recover as the consumer starts to spend in the second half of the year.
  8. Infrastructure tech firms will do well in 2010 as companies replace old systems that have been neglected for too long.
  9. The SaaS model continues its rise in importance for several reasons including a move away from the  perpetual/maintenance model, the variability (add/subtract users) and the impact on the balance sheet.
  10. Clouds everywhere but end users become confused on how, when and why they should use them.
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